I got all productive today and decided to fix a couple of water globes that had floaties in the water. One of them is a Peanuts one that is my mom's and the other one is a carousel horse of mine and I thought it would be a good Sunday afternoon project. I worked for San Francisco Music Box Co. several years ago and learned how to fix all kinds of music boxes there so I figured it would be like riding a bike...which it was, after I broke one of the globes and ended up with glitter and water all over me and glitter, water, and glass in the sink, because I forgot that pliers are an essential tool for taking a figurine/plug out of a water globe. More about this fun adventure later; I'm quite frankly too tired to think about it anymore even though it was eventually very successful. Also, my hands hurt from dealing with pliers and silicone sealant. Oooo! A teaser!
Today I will just talk about a set of jewelry I made a few years ago. The cabochons are Dry Creek turquoise which, as far as I know, is only found in one area in Nevada. My granddad gave them to me a couple of years before he died and I made a pendant and a ring to set them in when I took a jewelry class. I later retook the class (learned a lot more from a much better teacher the second time around) and remade the pendant. The ring was made using the lost wax casting technique and the pendant was soldered. I wore them to my granddad's funeral in 2005; I think he'd have liked what I did and although it's definitely not perfect, I'm happy when I wear them and that's what matters.
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